MBA Rendezvous

What are Personality Profiles?

It is generally recognized that personality can be described by reference to 5 key dimensions or global factors.

Extroverts are outgoing, warm individuals who enjoy company. They are lively, fun-loving and are often quite open about themselves. They are group-oriented people who naturally join in with others.

An introvert is someone who is self-sufficient and prefers his or her own company. Introverts are generally careful, serious and self-reliant.

Anxious people worry a lot and are often tense. They are also impatient people with a lot of nervous energy. They can also be very shrewd and hard to fool. On the other hand, the confident person is calm in the face of adversity, meets challenges easily, and exudes self-assurance.

Tough-minded people are unsentimental and look at things objectively. The opposite is the tender-minded person who is more subjective and willing to experiment.

Independence is characterized by a dominant, forceful person who is competitive. This means they can also be rather insensitive to other people. Co-operative people are agreeable, preferring to avoid conflict. They are often described as shy.

The conscientious person is self-controlled and dutiful. They are likely to be tidy, organized and have a common sense, practical approach to problem solving.

As MBA aspirant you must develop a unique personality suitable to you only but with high conviction and self esteem. 

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