MBA Rendezvous

First steps on how to approach a Personal Interview?

Have well thought out answers for questions for PI such as "What are your strengths? Why are you right for that particular business school? Why is that particular program right for you?"

It shows organization and forethought if you know some specifics about the program to which you are applying and can explain why those features fit well with your career goals.

Don't waste time in PI, discussing things that are already indicated on your application. You can elaborate if the topic illustrates something about your character and preparedness for the b-school experience, but do not be redundant.

Remember that the first impression you create during PI  is very important. When asked to say "something about yourself", most candidates just blurt out their schooling, college, marks and qualifications. All this is already there in the application. Why tell the interviewer something he/she already knows. 

Ideally, you would want to use this opportunity to show how you are different from the thousands of other applicants, not to blend in to the crowd.

Prepare with Personal Interview Tips and be successful.

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