Showing posts with label CAT 2012 Result. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAT 2012 Result. Show all posts

MBA Rendezvous

Your plan after CAT 2012 result !

CAT 2012 result is out today and it is in news that ten engineers have scored 100 percentile. Wow, good!  

But that is the story for news mongers, you need to focus on your admission rather than who scored what, gender analysis, category analysis etc. 

Those of you who have got high percentile might get call from new IIMs but if you could not get scores as expected, you should not lose heart. You will be getting chance to apply in top non IIM B schools. 

You must take up practice sessions on WAT, Extempore Speech, Essay writing, GD & PI. These tests might look easy to you but sometimes you may get stuck hence, you need enormous practice on variety of subjects on the above to be further successful and achieve mission admission MBA!!