MBA Rendezvous

Geometry & Trigonometry at IIFT

Geometry has grown in importance over the last 3 years. However, unlike CAT, where circles and triangles have been historically critical, IIFT has a fascination for trigonometry, both heights and distances as well as trigonometric expressions (including double angles, half angles etc.). Hence, while practicing Geometry for IIFT, make it a point to give sufficient time to Trigonometry.
 A notable feature of the IIFT DI sets is that the paper generally has 3-4 sets with 4-5 questions per set. However, each set is time-consuming and very calculation intensive. Also, the last couple of years have seen a case-study type of set which has been slightly simpler.
 In IIFT, keep in mind that you will NOT be able to attempt all the DI questions, without affecting your performance elsewhere. So, if there are 4 sets, identify 2 that are the simplest or least time consuming, solve them well and move on. You can always try the remaining 2 if you have spare time.
Go for IIFT MOCK Tests and get success at IIFT !!!

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