MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: RC made easy

Reading Comprehension in the CAT 2012, like all the previous CAT exams, will test your ability to understand the following facts:
  • The nuances of the written word
  •  Tone of the Passage
  •  Identify and differentiate the subtleties of meanings of words
  • Correct syntax, structure and formation of sentences
  • Thought process of the author while writing the passage
The best you could do while reading the passage is to identify the complex ideas presented in the paragraph and link it to the overall theme. This will help you identify the tone and flow of the given passage.

As far as the Reading Comprehension questions are concerned, over all these years CAT has moved from being an English language test to being an English usage test.

It implies that few years back, a lot of questions on grammar, vocabulary and fill in the blanks were pretty straightforward. Either you knew the answer in 10 seconds or you didn’t know them at all.

No amount of deliberation and reasoning would help you if you didn’t know exact meanings of words and core concepts of grammar.

Prepare well and achieve mission CAT 2012 

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