MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: DI section Preparation & Pre-requisites

It's not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters.  

Same is applicable for CAT 2012 Preparation and in particular DI section.

Improving your calculations is the first step to improve your Data Interpretation. You need to work on both accuracy and speed to improve this section. Speed can be increased by practicing regularly. Vedic mathematics can also help you to increase you speed. It is not necessary to follow Vedic mathematics if you are not comfortable with it. 

To improve your speed try doing calculations in your mind rather than using pencil/pen. In the starting it would take some time to do calculations in mind, but slowly and gradually you will see a mark difference in your speed.

Solve different type of case lets instead of sticking to one type. Develop your skills to solve different case lets.

Data interpretation is not a subject to be learned instantly. It improves with practice. Regular practice can do wonders in your speed as well as analyzing case lets. 

Go for Mock Tests and practice a lot with umpteen number of revisions. You will achieve Mission CAT 2012 !

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