MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: High scores will only facilitate you for next level of test

CAT 2012 aspirants must be aware of that high scores will only facilitate you for the next level of exam that is for WAT(written ability test) followed by PI. Few IIMs may opt for Extempore Speech or GD even before PI.

Top B schools who are accepting CAT 2012 scores will positively follow the above path for selection.

Since CAT is just few days away and you must be at your revisions so carry on with your routine but ensure that immediately after exam you need to practice for WAT, Extempore Speech, PI and GD also as in some B schools GD might be conducted.

You portal MBA Rendezvous will soon start articles on all above so that you are getting equipped for achieving success. 

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: LR section – Accuracy is the Key

CAT 2012 aspirants should keep it top of mind that LR is quite different in nature compared to other sections. Hence one needs to highlight some general strategies specifically applicable to LR.
Accuracy is far more important in LR. There is no bigger mistake than getting the complete set wrong. Avoid making guesses or reading in a hurry as it would lead to decreased accuracy.
As far as possible do not attempt LR in the beginning. If you get the set wrong or if it is tough and takes more time, that would affect your performance subsequently.
Use the option substitution method judiciously. LR questions are typically not meant to be solved using substitution of options. The most effective way is to understand the logic behind the question and solve it. There are exceptions to this rule though and you should use them wisely.
Read and understand the common data and questions thoroughly. LR questions appear lengthy as compared to DI sets as they typically offer more information in text.
Go for CAT 2012 Mock Tests and you are likely to gain confidence for achieving success. 

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: QA: Geometry, Coordinate Geometry and Mensuration

Above  topics are grouped together since they deal with the portion of QA that can be visualized. Of the three, maximum weightage is given to geometry, although every CAT paper will have 3-4 questions on mensuration, as well as a couple of questions on coordinate geometry, totaling about 25-30% of questions in the QA section.
Topics that need to be covered in geometry are basic theorems involving triangles, circles and parallel lines. A common type of question that is often asked in CAT is to find the value of certain angles or length of certain sides. Therefore, make sure that you cover topics such as congruency and similarity of triangles.
The only things that you need to do in coordinate geometry are straight lines and circles. Given the equation of a circle, you should be able to comment on the centre and radius of the circle and draw it on a piece of graph paper, and nothing more.
Similarly, you should know what the slope and y-intercept of a given straight line equation is, and be able to draw the line on a piece of graph paper.
For mensuration, flip through a school level textbook for basic formulae on areas, surface areas and volumes of triangles, circles, cylinders, cones, cuboids and spheresMensuration problems are calculation intensive, and require lots of practice.
 Hopefully Mock Tests will  give you required practice so that you can achieve confidence to be successful in CAT 2012.

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: LR - Preparation: Proposition & Logical deduction

CAT 2012 aspirants may note the following for LR section :
In Logic, any categorical statement is termed as the Proposition.
A Proposition (or a categorical statement) is a statement that asserts that either a part of, or the whole of, one set of objects - the set identified by the subject term in the sentence expressing that statement - either is included in, or is excluded from, another set - the set identified by the predicate term in that sentence.
The standard form of a proposition is:
Quantifier + Subject + Copula + Predicate
 Thus, the proposition consists of four parts:
1)  Quantifier: The words 'all', 'no' and 'some' are called quantifiers because they specify a quantity 'All' and 'no' are universal quantifiers because they refer to every object in a certain set, while the quantifier 'some' is a particular quantifier because it refers to at least one existing object in a certain set.
2)  Subject (denoted by 'S'): The subject is that about which something is said.
3)  Predicate (denoted by 'P'): The predicate is the part of the proposition denoting that which is affirmed or denied about the subject.
4)  Copula: The copula is that part of the proposition which denotes the relation between the subject and the predicate.
Besides above you may go for 480 Mock Tests as that will ensure to achieve mission CAT 2012 

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: Hurry today, September 19, 2012 is the last date of registration for CAT 2012

Serious CAT aspirants like you are unfazed by registration numbers.

Over a period of time it has become a herd tradition to report in media or portals on registration numbers for CAT exam every year which is meaningless for CAT aspirants.
Serious CAT aspirants will not be affected by less or more numbers and that is the concern of exam authorities or organizers. 

Your portal MBA Rendezvous has always endeavored to provide you relevant content on CAT exam with Mock Tests which will be 1000 plus Q&A  by the time CAT starts. 

Your undaunted efforts backed up with preparation will get you success to achieve mission CAT 2012.

You can bank on MBA Rendezvous for content on all sections and stay tuned for updates on CAT2012.