MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: Points to be remembered for LR

For attempting Logical Reasoning, here are some general test-taking points that should remembered and remain top of mind:
 Study the question carefully. A brief explanation of why each choice is correct or incorrect follows each practice question. If you understand this reasoning for the practice items, you will do well on the actual assessment.

 NEVER assume or use any information that the question fails to give you.Consider ONLY the information given in each reading passage when choosing among the alternative responses.

 Read both the factual passage and the sentence completion instruction carefully. Both must be considered in making your choice.

   Be sure to read all the response choices carefully before choosing one.

 In questions that ask you to select a valid conclusion, always choose the one conclusion that must definitely follow from the information you are given. In questions that ask you to find the invalid alternative, choose the one conclusion that does not definitely follow from the information.

 Pay special attention to words like "all," "some," or "none" when you read the factual information each question gives you. Other qualifying words such as "other than," "only" or "unless" are important, too. These words can play a critical part in precisely specifying the facts to be used in your reasoning.

Candidly for taking on LR best would be to go for Mock Tests and achieve mission CAT 2012

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