MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: DI section: Prepare as daily routine

Many a times exhaustive preparation for exams need out of box ideas which might give impetus to preparation and make it more interesting. 

For preparing for traditional DI, pick up any newspaper or business magazine. Some graphs are usually given and the data is captured in those graphs. So you should do some mental calculations based on that data. 

For example, while watching a cricket match, calculate the run rate before it is flashed. We go to a petrol station and hardly check the right amount supplied — calculate the prices and the quantity wherever you go. 

Such regular mental calculations would start building up the base and looking at different forms of graphs will build in understanding of the DI.

Building logical ability is difficult in so far as preparation for DI section of CAT is concerned. This is not to say that logic cannot be developed but the fact is that only looking out for the solution in the puzzles will not work.

 If you are working on the puzzles, you should spend time with the puzzle rather than looking for solution.

Nevertheless MOCK Tests are need of the day to achieve mission CAT 2012.

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