MBA Rendezvous

Take on Competition

"Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity"

With MBA entrance exam dates are nearing and anxiety to perform best is on its peak. Indeed it is natural and those who are still struggling with fundaments of quantitative subjects might face uphill task to move ahead fast.

We already have cue of fierce competition in forthcoming CAT, XAT, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, CMAT & MAT exams which will be taken by approx 3.9 lac MBA aspirants.

Expert advice to benchmark competition with simple strategy of managing time & speed with accuracy supplemented with practice of Mock Tests.

MBA Rendezvous

Data Interpretation in CAT 2014

For the last 5 years or so, CAT papers are analyzed with a clear trend that DI section of CAT has been devised into different eight sub-groups viz. Average and Percentage, Calculation, Counting, Creating multiple scenarios, Plugging missing data, Diagram, Networks / Paths and Reasoning.

You need to understand each sub-group in different way so that you can answer properly and these groups will be spread from easy to difficult sets but you need to attempt all in DI. It would be better and it is very important to prioritize each group while not spending much time on each set.

DI questions are typically in a data driven format of Tables, Pie-charts, Line-graphs and non-conventional data representation format.

It is important to prove the calculation skills and speed because Data interpretation (DI) is very calculation intensive. Experts suggest to learn short cuts for fast calculation.

Get on to preparation for DI with mock tests of previous CAT and be successful in CAT 2014 !

MBA Rendezvous

Dramatization is part of communication

Look at the speech which has been delivered by PM designated or we can say PM in waiting Mr. Narendra Modi at the central hall of Parliament yesterday, speech was emotional, full of drama, suspense yet communication was at it’s pinnacle.

Today’s news papers are in all time praise for him for his eloquent speech and thus his communication power as he has communicated loud and clear on his agenda in coming months.

Likewise MBA aspirants should learn and take cue from his speech that communication has to be such that must move the audience all the way and your message goes across not only well but accepted also.

For best communication, you need to dramatize a bit, voice needs to be modulated and you should speak with regular pauses with audible clear voice. 

GDPI are the crucial tests for you on communication skills only hence, better to hone these skills with practice.

MBA Rendezvous

No prescribed syllabus makes MBA entrance exams trickiest!

Many a times in the absence of any particular syllabus for MBA entrance exams and after having seen the trend of past exams, one might perceive that one knows the subject.

Yes, all of us might think like that!  But the moment we involve through mock test of any exam, we realize that we are consuming time to solve the questions and timer signals that it is over.

Experts say that take any exam, be it CAT 2016, XAT, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, CMAT or MAT; you will find that time and speed are the ingredients of these exams. That further demands accuracy because there is negative marking also in most of the exams.

In-depth understanding of fundamentals will work and not superficial understating of sections. Time is ripe for getting cleared on doubts and practicing with Mocks is the only option to achieve mission admission MBA 2016-17.

Author: MBA Rendezvous

MBA Rendezvous

Only confidence will take you forward!!

It is aptly said that It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life; it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!

Confident posture of yours is positive communication to others and you are perceived that way and your each action is appreciated.

MBA aspirants have everything to do with confidence, right from MBA entrance exams to GD/PI. Noteworthy situation here is that after you clear entrance exams and meet the cut off percentile for an institute then it is only your soft skill and confidence is judged.

The more you are confident; chances are bright that you will be selected for MBA admission.

It won’t be exaggeration to conclude that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Author: MBA Rendezvous

MBA Rendezvous

Persevere to achieve your goal!

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy"   That was  from the Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches!

What a motivational lines and are applicable to all of us in one way or the other.

Perseverance comes after the hard work is over and you have yet to achieve the goal.

MBA aspirants who are aiming to achieve mission admission MBA 2015 must ensure that not only the speech is adapted but executed in such a way that not only you feel motivated but others who follow you must get overwhelmed with your efforts! 

Author: MBA Rendezvous

MBA Rendezvous

Only you can decide on your growth

Let's visualize a scenario that between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response there can be our growth and our freedom.

All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.

There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.

MBA aspirants must vouch for growth and that will be a residue of hard work being pit in for the preparation for MBA entrance exams.

It is only up to you on what kind of growth you are looking forward in your career? Is it only monetary or inclusive growth which is a combination of materialistic gain embedded with responsibility and accountability?

Management education will compel you to think in terms of gaining professional competency and thereby gaining growth on the ladder of conviction.


Author: MBA Rendezvous