Look at the speech which has been delivered by PM designated or we can say PM in waiting Mr. Narendra Modi at the central hall of Parliament yesterday, speech was emotional, full of drama, suspense yet communication was at it’s pinnacle.
Today’s news papers are in all time praise for him for his eloquent speech and thus his communication power as he has communicated loud and clear on his agenda in coming months.
Likewise MBA aspirants should learn and take cue from his speech that communication has to be such that must move the audience all the way and your message goes across not only well but accepted also.
For best communication, you need to dramatize a bit, voice needs to be modulated and you should speak with regular pauses with audible clear voice.
GD / PI are the crucial tests for you on communication skills only hence, better to hone these skills with practice.
Today’s news papers are in all time praise for him for his eloquent speech and thus his communication power as he has communicated loud and clear on his agenda in coming months.
Likewise MBA aspirants should learn and take cue from his speech that communication has to be such that must move the audience all the way and your message goes across not only well but accepted also.
For best communication, you need to dramatize a bit, voice needs to be modulated and you should speak with regular pauses with audible clear voice.
GD / PI are the crucial tests for you on communication skills only hence, better to hone these skills with practice.
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