MBA Rendezvous

Motivate selection panel through Written Ability Test (WAT)

MBA aspirants can make a note of it that you can motivate MBA admission selection panel through your motivational WAT. You need to write WAT with focus on creative writing, neat handwriting, and message giving conclusion.
Brevity is the soul of mind so write short sentences, ensure that thoughts are not repeated and keep focus on topic.
WAT can be treated as a tool to persuade panel members to ask you questions in PI based on your thoughts which you have expressed in WAT.  That is the prowess of WAT.
You can think of enunciating new idea or repeat some great idea with new dimension so to give your own perspective.
WAT is certainly a platform to express your own thinking process which readers will like as that reveals the new points of your personality and this will be appreciated by selection panel.


MBA Rendezvous

Why Essay writing test?

MBA aspirants should be aware of the fact that in MBA admission process you are required to write an essay after you have been shortlisted for the second phase of selection.
Note that till now your analytical ability have been judged in MBA entrance exam but now your soft skills on communication will be on anvil.
With Essay ,selection panel will observe your expression of thoughts, writing skills, framing of sentences, handwriting, grammar, vocabulary,  domain knowledge  and  top of all how you conclude with some take away message for readers.
Writing Essay on assigned topic within 15 minutes for 200 words is not that difficult provided you maintain speed and focus on topic.
You need to practice Essay writing with variety of topics to gain confidence and be successful because Essay can be crucial for not only to go ahead further to face PI but you will be able to felicitate questions to be asked in PI based on your essay. 

MBA Rendezvous

Divergent thinking must be managed in GD

Let it be clear to MBA aspirants that group discussion is also a test to understand your soft skills on listening to co -group members and elaborating on those points which are helping group to come up with logical conclusion based on the theme of assigned topic.

On the premise of judging your interpersonal skills, leadership skills you will be watched by selection panel for your positivity and managing even divergent views.
Your discussing the topic in negative perspective is not an issue but presentation need to be at best to convey the reasoning and that matters in GD.

GD is an opportunity to showcase your skills on taking the issues forward to a solution mode. GD is a platform for you to impress selection panel to enquire more from you in PI and that might turn out to be an ideal scenario of your final selection. 


MBA Rendezvous

Lame excuses will not work in PI

MBA aspirants must remember that you are about to be interviewed for Post Graduate course and certain amount of maturity is expected ingrained.
Statements like having headache or feeling feverish may fetch you only a glass of water in PI and nothing else. Forget emotions and give priority to be passionate for achieving goal.

Ignorance will be a complete disadvantage and if you do not understand question then you can humbly get it clarified but beating around bush will not be taken in right perspective.
Getting late, party wear dressing, unwanted gestures are complete negatives and PI selection panel will get offended.

In PI you are expected to be as natural as you can. Come up with best of yourself and take PI as a golden opportunity to explain your point of view with great positivity and attitude. This will certainly get you success in PI.


MBA Rendezvous

MBA creates a thinking passion in you

One wonders what one will gain with MBA degree? Is it employment or more than that? Of course one gets  tailor made job opportunity with MBA but more than that management education prepares you to be thinking person with immense passion of achieving goal.

With MBA you are positively aware of the application of statistics, intricacies of supply chain management, how to strategize, forecasting, understating competition, global trends, how to keep yourself updated and top of all how to present the brand before consumers.

Management education gives you a way of thinking process which you posses in subconscious mind and helps you to keep a direction of getting nearer to your aim. You feel charged up of achieving incredible and that makes you a professional. 

MBA Rendezvous

Unwritten code of conduct in GD

MBA aspirants will soon be exposed to Group Discussion wherein you will be tested on your soft skills of coordination, leadership, communication, team work  and attitudinal skills.
In absence of any written rules for GD you need to develop those traits of personality which are either being watched or expected. Selection panel will be keeping hawk eye to observe you keenly.

Be candid in your overall approach, be clear on your stance, be persuasive, be polite, be courteous, be cooperative and take lead on getting chance. GD is not argument but a discussion on agreeing and not agreeing.

Ideally you need to open up with new idea or additional submission so that others can take up your point for further discussion. 

MBA Rendezvous

Students are confused for MBA

Those students who are appearing in final year exams of their graduation are a bit confused whether to go for MBA or apply for post graduate course? This scenario has emerged due to the fact that even those who have taken management education are finding it hard to get employed.
Management education makes you employ worthy   so that you can be employed but over a period of time gap has come in understanding of companies and their expectations and they find that MBA pass outs are not having those skills which they should possess.
Graduating students are either getting placed or opting for PG courses as they feel that will give them more opportunity than perusing MBA
Onus is on B schools to update curriculum and customize it more industry required with the consultation of top professionals.