Jumbled Questions consists of a group of sentences that have been jumbled up.
The goal in these types of sentences is to rearrange the sentences in the
original sequence. In para-jumble questions, you will be given a paragraph made
of four to five sentences whose original sequence has been changed and you have
a few minutes to figure out what that original sequence was.
are significant because they have been regularly appearing in the CAT and other
MBA entrance tests. There is a good chance of three Para-jumble questions
appearing in the 20 questions of the Verbal Ability (VA) section.
and more importantly — PJs are one of those questions of the CAT in which you
can improve your skills dramatically within a short span of time.
CAT 2012 aspirants can make note of it that it is probably one of the few areas of
VA section in CAT where the scope of ambiguity is limited.