MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: Tips and Tricks - Verbal Ability

The new computer-based testing format of CAT has created quite a vacuum for strategies to tackle the verbal section, especially in handling the often boring and jargon-rich reading comprehension (RC) passages. Even strong performers are bound to find it hard to strategies time management on RC-based questions. 

An RC passage on the computer poses some real challenges. Some of them are:
  • There's no way to underline the keywords in the questions as well as in the passage.
  • One has to scroll down the passage using a 'scroller' as the complete passage is not visible at a time.
  • You can read only one question (and NOT all the questions in one go as is possible with the paper-based CAT) at a time.
  • It is expected that a lot of time will be wasted when a student has to re-read the passage every time a new question appears.
  • Moreover, it is easier to spot the right place to get an answer to a particular question on paper rather than on a computer screen.
  • Result: Time taken per question is bound to rise and the accuracy is adversely affected if the test is attempted in rush.
Hence, the way to attempt an RC-based question on the computer screen should be tweaked in order to minimize possible wastage. 

Practice & practice and achieve mission CAT 2012.

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