MBA Rendezvous

Hope is universal to mankind

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.  Says, Dalai Lama.

But on the contrary Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.  This is what Aristotle  envisaged.
Dilemma is that we all hope to do our best and sometimes we do hope against hope to happen the ordeal in our way particularly in exams.

Indeed all humans think alike and we continue to hope in our worst circumstances too. And why not; this is what we get through our morning prayers too.

Let’s pause for a while and think a bit differently as we are supposedly future managers of a company as MBA students.   Hope can be converted to an end result of a hard work, planning and execution to the excellent finesse!

Author: MBA Rendezvous

MBA Rendezvous

Updated general Awareness can be utilized in GD & PI

It is expected from MBA aspirants to have sensitization on the happenings which might affect common man and country, be it political front, economic front or on sociological problems.

B schools are looking in you as budding future manager who will be performing in a company wherein brand will get impact of government policies and ever changing global scenario.

MBA entrance exams like IIFT, SNAP, CMAT and XAT do have questions on General awareness. This is basically to test your awareness on current affairs.

Besides written exams, updated general awareness will also be helpful in WAT / Essay writing /GD & PI where you may come across situations which will certainly require updated awareness of current affairs or general awareness.

Read variety of general awareness Topics and achieve mission admission MBA 2014!!


Author: MBA Rendezvous

MBA Rendezvous

PI is for your selection and not for rejection!!

Personal Interview (PI) is that final stage of MBA selection and let’s keeps it top of mind that PI is the last leg of MBA admission process and aspirants get shiver in their spine with the fear of rejection.

Undoubtedly after having cleared MBA entrance exam followed by Essay writing, WAT, GD etc.  You will be invited for Personal interview which has to be cleared at the end.

It is amusing to know that selection panel also gets equally anxious and they are positively looking forward to right candidate so that their selection process is complete.

Personal Interview is not a rejection but selection platform and you need to continue with same gusto which you have been following till now because there is no substitute for confidence with positivity.

Experts advise that there is no harm to practice for PI and read PI tips so to succeed in achieving mission admission MBA 2014!!

Author: MBA Rendezvous

MBA Rendezvous

Top of mind thoughts shape body language

Human body has everything to do with thoughts which we keep dreaming. Shaping body is one aspect but shaping body language is separate and perhaps more important than later.

We are advised often that eat well, sleep well and exercise well that will make our body healthy which is best sign of wealth as an asset.

Professional perspective is to flex mental muscles too with introspective analysis at regular intervals to ensure focus and have clarity on goals in both professional and individual life.

We need to be constantly reminded  that nothing in this word is impossible and have to be achieved in most ethical way  with ultimate aim to serve nation and society thereby the bye product of our success will be ensured.

Focused individuals with positive thoughts will always keep one aim of winning attitude and that will remain top of mind passion hence, that will bound to shape up body language full of positivity and acceptability

Visualize the impact of above in PI (Personal Interview) which you will face soon.

MBA Rendezvous

Handwriting can be crucial in WAT

MBA aspirants who have cracked CAT this year are anxiously waiting for getting shortlisted by thirteen IIMs and if percentile score meets that cutoff they are likely to get letters for second round of admission process.

New IIMs will be conducting written analysis test (WAT) to assess you on your written communication. You will have to complete your WAT on some assigned topic within a stipulated time frame in not more than 300 words on a piece of paper.

Writing in your own handwriting can be very crucial and this thought takes you to your school days when you formed your habit of writing straight or cursive way.

You will be assessed in WAT with a combination of multiple aspects of handwriting, way of expression, logical sequences and top of all for the conclusion as take away message for your audience.

Besides practice reading variety of WAT Topics will be helpful to succeed in WAT!!

MBA Rendezvous

In GD there Is No Place for Arguments

Name of test is Group discussion; that means that there are expected group of people who will be having discussion on some issue / topic.

MBA institutes conduct Group Discussion which is commonly known as GD for the assessment of aspirants in areas of communication, body language, team coordination and leadership qualities. 

Since in companies communication plays vital role to nurture Brand and thereby satisfy customer hence, GD is conducted to assess you on above parameters because MBA institutes look in you as future manager so the best of you are selected for admission. 

GD is a platform where you are expected to discuss an assigned topic and put forward your point of view at your turn so that a meaningful discussion takes and group can come up with logical take away message as conclusion. 

Arguments have no place in GD and can’t be tolerated. So much so if arguments continue then sometimes entire group gets rejected. 

Agreed, that if one of the members is taking stance on argumentative tone even then this must be turned to positive with counter logics. Same is applicable for the assigned argumentative topics also. 

Best way to be prepared for GD is to read variety of GD TOPICS and be successful in GD!

MBA Rendezvous

In GD you must keep composure

Group discussion or GD is second last test to assess your soft skills like communication, leadership, attitude, adaptability and body language.

Most of B schools will give you GD topic which might vary from area of sports to social behavior to politics to environment to economic reforms etc.

It is not essential to jump to opening sentences as the perception is totally wrong that who sever speaks first might get considered as leader.

On the other hand it will be prudent to wait for your chance and then speak with confidence and present your ideas which must be focused on GD

Many a  times it has been observed that GD group starts speaking  a bit loudly on the premise that others must listen you but in the bargain chance are high that group gets defocused and sometimes entire group gets rejected.

Experts advice to keep composure and speak whenever your turn comes and even if you wish to submit your additional point, you may interrupt but with permission of all members. This can only happen when you are having solid points and others are equally recognizing your way of handling the topic.

Read verity of GD Topics and develop points so to success in GD and achieve mission admission MBA 2014!!!