MBA Rendezvous

How to crack XAT 2013?

The duration of the test is 120 minutes for the objective type section and an additional 20 minutes is provided at the end of the 2 hours for the essay writing section.

In order to crack XAT, you should first know how the exam is different from others. In XAT, the Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation questions are in one section. The second section is English Usage (EU) and RC. The third section is Analytical Reasoning (AR) and Decision making.

In the recent past, the XAT has had more questions than the CAT exam to be solved in lesser time. While in the CAT exam it may be possible to get a decent shot at all questions, in XAT it is more advisable to drop tough looking questions, and find the easier ones to solve.

Thus, selection of easier questions is very important, which are very well inserted between the tougher questions, the reason for the perception of XAT being a tougher nut to crack than CAT.

Go for XAT Mock paper and get success!!

MBA Rendezvous

General Awareness section in SNAP 2012

MBA aspirants who are taking forthcoming SNAP 2012 on December 16th should be aware of that General Awareness section would comprise of 40 questions which you have to complete in stipulated time of 30 minutes. Experts say that even if you attempt more than 25 correctly you might be successful in exam.

Topics of General awareness can vary from sports to films, history to science, politics to war and Indian culture to western culture etc. Hence, you need to be well versed with current affairs.

It is suggested not only to read daily newspaper and create a focus on Editorial, National and International news but glance through sports page. Besides it would be worthwhile to listen All India Radio news feature at 9.15 pm daily.

It is advisable not to leave any loop on issue based news and find out the reality and facts for e.g. why Myanmar is strategically important for India ?

Stay tuned to MBA Rendezvous and update your general awareness.



MBA Rendezvous

SNAP Analytical and Logical Reasoning Section Analysis

SNAP aspirants may note that there will be total 22-24 questions. Questions might be based on Sets, Visual Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Critical reasoning and syllogisms. 

Topics for Analytical and Logical Reasoning Sections may vary from Matrix Arrangement to Linear Arrangement, Venn diagram, Puzzles, Family Tree, Visual Reasoning, Critical Reasoning, Syllogism etc.   
There is no harm to practice from CAT Mock paper also as we have provided on portal. We think that these will be useful to you. 

Time is fleeting as SNAP is being conducted on forthcoming December 16 so fasten your belts and practice with SNAP Mock paper and get success !!!

MBA Rendezvous

SNAP 2012 - General English

MBA aspirants who are taking forthcoming SNAP 2012 0n December 16, 2012 should be aware of the fact that Ideal attempts must be done as there will be total 40 questions (21 verbal ability & 19 on reading comprehensions).

  • Grammar and Usage Based Questions: In this type contains identifying the correct and incorrect sentences, change the voice and synonyms, punctuation, scrambled sentences which are familiar to sentences that we regularly come across in the newspapers. 
  • Word Based Questions: There will be questions of the type like fill in the blank, antonym, and odd one out and words were familiar ones and time consuming.
  • Reading Comprehension: There will be four passages on a variety of topics like science, entrepreneurship, trade and quality of a person. We have to give answers based on this specific passage.

The best strategy for solving this section would be to attempt many questions as much as possible.

Time is running away so practice with SNAP Mock paper and gets success at SNAP 2012!!!

MBA Rendezvous

ATMA 2012: Syllabus

The Test contains Questions on three abilities or skills. These are Analytical Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Skills, Verbal Skills, Analytical Reasoning Skills.

The Questions on Analytical Skills will examine the logical thinking abilities of a candidate. Do remember that a particular Question is less important than the reasoning task you are asked to perform. No specialized knowledge of any particular field is required for answering the questions and no knowledge of the terminology and conventions of formal logic are presumed.

In the Questions on Analytical Skills you need to analyse the situations on which each Question is based and then select the answer choice that is most appropriate response to the question.

Each set of Questions or group of Questions is based on a passage or set of conditions.  In answering some of the Questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram.  For each Question, select the best answer from the choices given.

Prepare well for ATMA and get success ! 

MBA Rendezvous

Essay in previous XAT - Analysis

After the test of 2 hours, the candidates were given 20 minutes to write an essay. That time the essay topic had two statements:

Poverty is a big menace in India. Due to its complexity and magnitude, most of the government initiatives fail.

Poverty is a consequence of failure of government policies due to the governments not targeting the root causes.

One had to select one of the statements and then justify the same and substantiate it with the help of relevant examples.

This was an easier task compared to the essay topic given last year where most students found it difficult to understand the statement. This was topical theme – poverty in India – and one who is updated regarding the welfare policies and schemes of government could have written the essay well.

Go for Essay writing and practice well to be successful in XAT !!!