MBA Rendezvous

Consolidate Your Preparation

MBA aspirants who are likely to take multiple MBA entrance exams in forthcoming months are feeling perplexed with preparation.

The more you find out that in absence of any specific syllabus, you need to perform in competition, you get scared and naturally it is tricky situation for you.

The best option is to start practice with mock tests which are available on your portal MBA Rendezvous. After having practiced first round, go for SWOT analysis to find out pluses and minuses.

Besides improving on shortcomings, you must ensure now to consolidate your strengths. Give a direction to your preparation based on strengths and weaknesses.

It is your preparation only which will take you forward in any exam.


MBA Rendezvous

GD is crucial and final step for MBA admission

Most of the institutes use Group Discussions as the next step in the selection process after written examination.

That is the reason why Group Discussion has become so very important criteria for selection and rejection of candidates in institutes as well as during campus placements.

GD is basically a methodology used by an institution to gauge whether a candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its students.

Normally, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss it among themselves for some time.
GD Topics can be from a wide range of issues. It could be a topic on current events, business news, sports or anything very general. 

The wider your reading interests, the better prepared you will be to face the group discussion. A Group discussion tests how you function as a part of a team.


MBA Rendezvous

Last minute Checks:CMAT additional Test,19-22May 2013

The total duration is 3 hours. CMAT  is a multiple choice test, delivered in 4 sections; the actual test will contain 100 questions. For further details, refer to Test Duration & Pattern.

At the test center, each candidate will be seated at a desk with a computer terminal and he/she will be provided with a scratch paper for calculations. Rough work cannot be done on any other paper/sheet, as nothing will be allowed inside the testing room. On completion of the test, candidates will have to hand back all the scratch paper to the Administrator.

The test will begin at 9.30 am; you must reach the test center no later than 8:00 AM. Similarly for the test beginning at 2.30 pm, you must reach the test center no later than 1:00 PM.

It is the last opportunity in the current admission cycle, so go for CMAT Mock tests  and be successful!


MBA Rendezvous

Alertness and presence of mind is noticed in GD

In a GD you are required to carefully listen to the other person's thoughts and keep an argument, example or a supportive statement, fact, example ready to participate in the discussion.

This shows how alert you are, how much importance you give to when someone is putting his or her point forward. 

This also shows how good listener you are, at time, things turn up to be a mess when you feel that what is being said is not making sense. 

Don’t get irritated. Remember that you need to be calm and composed. Many times after a mess happening in a GD, candidates who are calm are selected. 

MBA Rendezvous

A Personal Interview (PI) is a two-way communication platform

A Personal Interview (PI) is a two-way communication platform. It is like a dialogue where you showcase your skills to the interviewer and the interviewer in turn paints a picture about the business school that you are interviewing for.

So, both the interviewer and the interviewee can seek clarifications from the other party. Candidates should take some time to think about the question before answering. 

In fact, you will not be penalized for taking a minute to formulate your answer before conveying it to the interviewer. If you fail to seek clarification and answer a question wrongly, it shows your arrogance and unwillingness to seek various points of view and opinions. It also shows that you are rigid and believe that only your way of thinking is correct.

Maintain some humility and show respect for the interviewer by seeking clarification on questions that are too difficult to comprehend. 

There is no harm in asking an interviewer to explain a question, if it is too complicated or vague. In fact, seeking a clarification is better than answering a question wrongly.