Showing posts with label MBA aspirants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MBA aspirants. Show all posts

MBA Rendezvous

MBA will make you Employable

According to the data published by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), close to 92 percent of the graduates from business schools worldwide found employment within 3 months after graduation in 2012. This is a six percent increase as compared to 2011. 

This shows that people with MBA are high in demand. Students who pursue an MBA are empowered with interpersonal and leadership skills, which are sought after by multinational corporations (MNCs) and local companies. 

To be a successful professional, you should have a strong network and be well connected with people in your field. This is possible in a business school, where organizations come on a regular basis to give talks and for job and internship placements. Students can build their networks through such events and enhance their employability as a result. 

After the completion of MBA, students are employed in managerial positions. As a manager, you will be required to work in large teams and lead your subordinates. These skills are honed during an MBA, where you will be involved in projects and group presentations. So, during your business studies make it a point to participate actively in projects and classes to enhance your leadership skills. 

Just an MBA degree is not sufficient to gain employment; you should be passionate and determined to succeed. The business environment is full of ups and downs; so, potential business leaders should have the foresight to make proper decisions for the benefit of the company.

MBA Rendezvous

Let’s us not prepare to fail

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. It is true that if you do not set goals beforehand or plan ahead in life, you cannot succeed in life.

Success only comes to those with determination, who set concrete goals in life. Successful people have short term, medium term and long term goals. 

Since long term goals are the most difficult to achieve, people come up with short term goals, which will slowly but surely help them to move in the right direction. 

This way, one is organized and well-planned. With so much preparation, one does not lose focus of his goals and objectives even when the going gets tough.

People who fail to prepare goals beforehand lose their way easily. Since they are not clear about their goals, they give up when they are unable to face challenges in life. 

Charles Dickens once said, “I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, diligence, and the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time”. These are the key ingredients for the ‘success’ recipe. 

Stay informed and stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous 

MBA Rendezvous

What’s employability skill?

Whenever placement time accrues in MBA institutes, the buzz word ‘employability’ remains top of mind with passing out students, placement cell and recruiters. 

The skills like communication, positive attitude, adaptability, ever learning ability to understand new environment, willing to take challenges, interpersonal skills, willing to be a great team member and over all maintaining  attitude to be a thinker and doer. 

Without doubt these soft skills can be learnt with practice and with a will to accomplish a mission. 

Institutes do help you to create a learning atmosphere at campus. The time spent at campus is very important from gaining skills which are not taught with books. 

MBA Rendezvous

We have yet to learn Management of disaster

Indeed sad; Uttaranchal calamity is of very high magnitude as compared to it looks at present. Thousands lost lives and besides those who are living lost livelihood. 

Political bosses will continue with their chess game of taking credit and rescue workers too will continue with their contribution. Scavengers will also continue with their part. All in all everybody is attending calamity. 

Whither are managers who are supposedly incumbent of disaster management? Time is ripe for them to have honest SWOT analysis. Off course they are professionals and know their profession better than anybody but lack of will power to take bold steps before political class has made disaster Management bodies more disastrous.

Hopefully, likeminded officers will take the detailed stock of failures, be it environmental, mafia or bureaucratic. Let’s have our finger crossed and pray that Chipko movement will not go waste.


MBA Rendezvous

You are expected to lead in GD

Some time MBA aspirants become too eager to take lead in GD and on this pretext they get hyper and start speaking loudly as it is perceived that they will be understood as leader.

But that is the blunder one may do because in GD your soft skills like communication, attitude and interpersonal skills are on anvil. If you are good in these skills then you will be able to lead the way. 

With the above skills you will be able to put your point forcefully even with mild but audible voice. That will facilitate you to become leader. 

Leader in GD is that candidate who leads others with thoughts pertaining to theme of GD.