Showing posts with label Essay Writing Topics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essay Writing Topics. Show all posts

MBA Rendezvous

Why Essay writing test?

B-Schools believe that the admission process of conducting Group Discussion and then Personal Interview has become so predictable that students mostly come prepared and it becomes difficult for the panel to judge their real ability.

That is why; this new trend of conducting WAT instead of GD will help the admission committee judge a candidate in a better way.

Essay writing is something that you cannot improve overnight. It has to be in your habit. For developing a habit of essay writing, you need to practice it on day to day basis. Writing practice is very important, but to develop a habit of analysis is much more important.

If you really want to reach a position where you can write an essay over any given topic, then you have to develop a habit of analyzing each and every situation as well as topic you come across. 

MBA Rendezvous

Your Essay can get you selected

Before Personal Interview you will be asked to write an Essay in about 300 words in a stipulated time of 15 minutes. This is to test your written communication skills. You will be judged for your creative writing expression of thoughts and framing of sentences besides grammar, vocabulary and conclusion in your Essay.

If your Essay is written well, chances are very high that you will be able to impress selection panel and few questions will be asked in your personal interview based on your essay. Again you will be able to further enhance your chance of selection provided you continue to elaborate your points mentioned in your essay.

Be sure that your Essay is focused on theme of topic and your clarity of thoughts must be expressive as this will help you to achieve mission admission MBA !


MBA Rendezvous

Conclusion will be important in Essay writing

Post MBA entrance examination results all those aspirants who have scored high percentile will be short listed at the individual parameter of admission policy of B-Schools and will be invited soon for personal interview but before that they might be asked to write Essay.
Essay writing test is to test your writing skills, expression of thoughts, grammar, hand writing and top of all how you conclude your Essay based on assigned topic.
Conclusion is necessary in a perfect Essay writing but you need to ensure that readers are getting some message out of that. Essay is never complete without logical conclusion.
Conclude your Essay in such a way that MBA admission selection panel is feeling motivated and should remember your essay as this will help you in PI and you may be asked few questions based on your Essay.
Practice Essay writing with variety of topics and get success.


MBA Rendezvous

Why Essay writing test?

MBA aspirants should be aware of the fact that in MBA admission process you are required to write an essay after you have been shortlisted for the second phase of selection.
Note that till now your analytical ability have been judged in MBA entrance exam but now your soft skills on communication will be on anvil.
With Essay ,selection panel will observe your expression of thoughts, writing skills, framing of sentences, handwriting, grammar, vocabulary,  domain knowledge  and  top of all how you conclude with some take away message for readers.
Writing Essay on assigned topic within 15 minutes for 200 words is not that difficult provided you maintain speed and focus on topic.
You need to practice Essay writing with variety of topics to gain confidence and be successful because Essay can be crucial for not only to go ahead further to face PI but you will be able to felicitate questions to be asked in PI based on your essay. 

MBA Rendezvous

How to Choose a Stance or Position in Essay?

With XAT 2013 result is out today, now focus will be on Essay so how to choose a Stance or Position in Essay?

In many topics, you will be required to take a side on a specific issue in order to construct a persuasive essay or an argument so, you will need to know how to take a strong stance on a subject at some point. There is an art to taking a side. You have to be a little crafty. To really persuade someone in an argument essay, you have to know a little about each side and pick the one you can argue most effectively.

You must remember that you don't have to choose the side you believe, necessarily. If you are going to be graded according to your logical points, you might have to go against your gut feelings.

For instance, if a topic asks you argue either for or against the use of pesticide in cultivation of food grains. Then, you should avoid getting carried away in emotions and think practically. First, draw a line down the middle of a piece of scrap paper, dividing the sheet in half. Label one side as ‘yes’, and other side as ‘no’. Then think of strengths for each side and list at least three strong points for both sides.

Once you have come up with various points for each side of your issue, read over the results to determine which side is strongest, and which you could argue most effectively. Decide which side has the points that you could back up with examples like statistics, expert opinions, anecdotes, observations, precedence, consequence, etc.

Even though you choose one side as the strongest for your argument, you must be able to demonstrate that you understand both sides of your issue. Keep this in mind as you construct your argument essay, and use the strengths that you listed for the opposite side.

Practice with Essay topics and be successful!!

MBA Rendezvous

Essay is not a narration

MBA aspirants will be given Essay to write in a stipulated time. Not only you have to maintain time management but since you are competing hence, you have to be the best. 

Post MBA exams you will be tested in Essay for your creative writing, expression of thoughts and may be handwriting. You need to remember that body copy of Essay must not be narrative, you need to avoid the story but yes you can write anything which is substantiating the thought process on topic. 

If Opening paragraph is vital then middle of Essay is very crucial as reader of your Essay will have to be motivated with your writing to take the thinking process further with same line of thinking and reach to some logical conclusion. 

It is suggested to write Essays in lucid manner as third party with a logical conclusion.