MBA Rendezvous

How can you overcome low confidence?

Low self confidence is often blamed on early childhood events. Lack of parental support or encouragement and constant criticism are often cited as key causes of low self confidence.

Low self confidence is a problem that many people have to deal with. It is also a problem that can be overcome. Learning to treat yourself with respect and to recognize who you are, faults and all, is the first step in improving your low self confidence level.

Surround yourself with positive people and thoughts and celebrate success. Becoming a person with high self confidence is not an easy thing, but it is possible and task achievable.

It will take some time and all lot of effort on your part, but it will be time well spent as you become a confident person who is ready to face the challenges of life head on and succeed.

As MBA aspirant, it is your first priority to remain confident as this skill will be tested time and again in entire process of admission till your selection. 



MBA Rendezvous

Why MBA aspirants need counseling?

For the last couple of years there have been mushrooming in MBA institutes and even graduating students are also started getting employment. This has led to confusion in the minds of MBA aspirants in regard   to the utility of MBA programme.

Another area of concern is that due to herd mentality plus somewhat peer pressure has forced many a students to take up MBA education without realizing the importance or need. 

These students need counseling to be aware of on the many facets of MBA course. This makes them to a self realization and leads them to gain confidence and goal clarity which are the essentials of MBA aspirants before they get admitted in any B school. 

MBA Rendezvous

What are Personality Profiles?

It is generally recognized that personality can be described by reference to 5 key dimensions or global factors.

Extroverts are outgoing, warm individuals who enjoy company. They are lively, fun-loving and are often quite open about themselves. They are group-oriented people who naturally join in with others.

An introvert is someone who is self-sufficient and prefers his or her own company. Introverts are generally careful, serious and self-reliant.

Anxious people worry a lot and are often tense. They are also impatient people with a lot of nervous energy. They can also be very shrewd and hard to fool. On the other hand, the confident person is calm in the face of adversity, meets challenges easily, and exudes self-assurance.

Tough-minded people are unsentimental and look at things objectively. The opposite is the tender-minded person who is more subjective and willing to experiment.

Independence is characterized by a dominant, forceful person who is competitive. This means they can also be rather insensitive to other people. Co-operative people are agreeable, preferring to avoid conflict. They are often described as shy.

The conscientious person is self-controlled and dutiful. They are likely to be tidy, organized and have a common sense, practical approach to problem solving.

As MBA aspirant you must develop a unique personality suitable to you only but with high conviction and self esteem. 

MBA Rendezvous

B schools expect You to have Domain Knowledge

Given that a good MBA is a demanding program, B-schools would like to know how you will be able to cope up with the academics and the extra-curricular 24 x 7 demands of your new campus. They are also keen to assess how you have utilized the earlier learning opportunities.

Be prepared to discuss different specialty areas in business and their responsibilities. Interviewers will also expect you to discuss current issues in business, including the economy, taxation, foreign competition, the role of technology and ethical challenges in the field.

Interestingly, it is not just about knowledge and answering the questions but also 'leading' the interview panel. Anything you say opens the doors to new lines of questioning and discussion, so make sure you know where you are leading the interview. Be careful about the gates you open, and be very sure you have in-depth knowledge about whatever you mention. 

If you say you have an avid interest in Badminton, be ready for questions pertaining to Prakash Padukone, Deepika Padukone, plastic shuttles v/s feather shuttles, Saina Nehwal etc. It is advisable to brush up 2-3 subjects from your graduation thoroughly if you are a student fresh out of college. Also, contextual knowledge of the environment around you as well as "general knowledge" comes quite handy.


MBA Rendezvous

First steps on how to approach a Personal Interview?

Have well thought out answers for questions for PI such as "What are your strengths? Why are you right for that particular business school? Why is that particular program right for you?"

It shows organization and forethought if you know some specifics about the program to which you are applying and can explain why those features fit well with your career goals.

Don't waste time in PI, discussing things that are already indicated on your application. You can elaborate if the topic illustrates something about your character and preparedness for the b-school experience, but do not be redundant.

Remember that the first impression you create during PI  is very important. When asked to say "something about yourself", most candidates just blurt out their schooling, college, marks and qualifications. All this is already there in the application. Why tell the interviewer something he/she already knows. 

Ideally, you would want to use this opportunity to show how you are different from the thousands of other applicants, not to blend in to the crowd.

Prepare with Personal Interview Tips and be successful.