MBA Rendezvous

Why to go for Distance learning MBA?

For those who aspire to do MBA and who cannot afford to attend regular classes, a distance learning course is a blessing in disguise. And with the passage of time the initial hesitation of learning through distance education has also withered away.
Age is no bar. From high school students, to those involved in higher education, the military, and the government, to those pursuing continuing education, corporate training, and lifelong learning, distance learning is being used for multiple ongoing purposes.

Course fee of these distance education courses are much lesser as compared to that of the regular courses and will be reaped by more and more people in the future.

It helps to groom your personality and makes you multi-tasking

Pursuing a good distance learning course can help a lot of people reach the zenith in any organization that they are presently engaged with. Many businesses have found it a valuable tool in making employee education and training quicker and more cost efficient.

The human spirit continuously urges people to remain curious about their surroundings. Distance Learning can help sustain that spirit.

Time is ripe for you to go for distance learning MBA !!

MBA Rendezvous

You may test yourself with May MAT 2013

MBA aspirants who are planning to do MBA for next year may take MAT on 5th May 2013 which will be paper based test and over 400 Business Schools will accept MAT score.

This will help you to test yourself and appear for more examinations. Last date for submitting the application is 16th April 2013

In MAT there are four sections of Verbal ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Data interpretation & Data sufficiency and Reasoning ability. You will also be tested for general awareness.

It will be better to start preparation for May MAT 2013 as this will raise your confidence level.


MBA Rendezvous

Interpersonal skill is the key in GD

When you will be appearing for forthcoming Group Discussion, you will be observing that selection panel is very carefully listening you and may jot down certain points which they might discuss with you in your Personal Interview.

Interpersonal skill is a key factor in Group Discussion as that shows that how much you will be able to develop your leadership skills, inter-alia communication skills and top of all, how far you will able to cooperate and coordinate with your team members.

Ensure that you are able to respond on your chance with best of your logics and elaborate further but continue to focus on the theme of GD topic

MBA Rendezvous

Future is bright for those who are MBA with specialization

Over the couple of years industry has realized that MBA with specialization would be fitting more as compared to MBA in general. Reason for that is that today industry needs those MBA pass outs who are tailor made for specific industry and are able to perform from the day one. In a competitive era where industry re-positions and re-strategies periodically hence they need managers who can adapt themselves with global standards.

Time is opportune to think to go for MBA with specialization that too in to the new areas of Infrastructure, Healthcare, Services, Defense & Security etc.

Visualize and plan and execute well to be a futuristic manager.

MBA Rendezvous

Are you sure that you have positive outlook?

Whatever we think of ourselves is not enough. Blowing our own trumpet will meet deaf ears. It is always good to judge our own personality as per parameters of others. Whether we have positive or not, it will be definitely be loud and clear at the moment, selection panel meets us for the first time and they will be able to judge us with our body language itself.

Our gestures of eye to eye contact, shaking hands and the way we settle in chair is enough proof on our confidence and positivity.

To gain further confidence and for ensuring positivity, practice with personal interview mock exercise and achieve mission admission MBA.