MBA Rendezvous

What is personality?

Personality is an individual’s habitual patterns of behavior and response, internal or external, in adapting himself to the environment of which he is a part. “It is a functional identity, a pattern of physical and mental process, a continuum of activity.”

The term personality is used among some psychologists almost in its literal sense - i.e., to indicate a mask, persona, as was worn by actors on the stage in ancient Rome. In this sense, the personality, like the mask, feigns individuality, and tries to make others and one believe that one is individual.

Fundamentally the persona is nothing real: it is compromise between individual and society as to what a man should appear to be. He takes a name, earns a title, represents an office, and is this or that.

Personality can be used as a universal term that encompasses all the psychological, intellectual, emotional, and physical characteristics of an individual, especially as they are presented to other people.

We say that someone has a "big personality" or "no personality", or a "sports personality". Personality is reflected in our behavior. When we act out of character we often say “It just wasn't like me…", "I wasn't myself".

MBA aspirants have to build a professional personality based on above concepts. 


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