MBA Rendezvous

Gloomy days must be over forthwith and let fresh hope usher new faith!

Unfortunately we all  have gone through pain and sad moments for a fortnight but it is rightly said that we must take lesson and initiate actions on our own rather wait for others to follow.

We must absorb ‘Spirit Damini’ within our hearts and take the life forward and put the past at rest. Let authorities take toll of responsibility. 

You, as MBA aspirant have present time as highly crucial and you are at rush to complete your preparation for WAT, GD & PI

Go ahead and study general books on variety of subjects besides routine regimen of news paper, magazines. 

You portal has provided you with enough reading material on General awareness Topics, WAT Topics, Essay Topics, Extempore Speech Topics and that will certainly help you to be successful !! 

MBA Rendezvous

You got to have enthusiasm in GD!

MBA aspirants who will be appearing in Group discussion after results are out in a month time; have to be clear GD test. 

GD is a test to know your communication skills, expressions, synchronization of your thought process, domain knowledge and top of all, your enthusiasm which you express with your body language. 

It has been observed that anybody with enthusiasm alone can be a winner because with this approach you are bound to know all aspects of positivity that itself ensures success. 

Enthusiasm means an attitude, an approach which is manifested in your mind and body that results in high positive vibes. 

GD is a platform to express your ideas not only to impress selection panel but to test your thinking process. It is a golden opportunity to move ahead and be successful in MBA selection. 

MBA Rendezvous

You need to respond and not to comment in GD

MBA aspirants, who will be taking Group Discussion soon after they have been shortlisted by B schools, might feel curious as how to clear GD which is highly crucial in MBA admission process.

In GD, group members or your fellow competitors will come up with some statements which you may not like or even like, you can’t afford to comment or rebut but you must respond to those statements. 

With responding, not only you will be heard   but you will be able to comprehend and you can be accepted to take lead on assigned GD topic

Ideal situation is to lead the group but that can happen only with the responses you come up and relate with your own stance in GD.

Practicing with GD topics on variety of subjects can deliver you confidence and success!

MBA Rendezvous

Listening is crucial in GD

Listening power is known as God’s gift. That’s not for only having ears but listening to others is an art and it reflects toleration power also.

The more patiently you listen to others chances are high that not only you will understand their point of view but you will also be able to comprehend similar ideas in your own way. 

In Group discussion, listening aspect from other group members is very crucial. Nature of GD is to have dialogue and discuss so the above art will help you to emphasize your ideas which you have spoken in your opening sentences in GD

With listening power alone you can be winner provided you do carefully / attentively and then comprehend. Never lose this boon which is panacea for all human beings..

MBA Rendezvous

You can’t afford slang in GD

Sometimes MBA aspirants become informal during Group discussion because when they are given a relaxed GD platform they get mistaken and might use slang language during GD which can be injurious. 

Never forget that you are being watched carefully by GD panel and once they observe your language, you might face rejection. Only reason as to why formal language is expected is that you are supposed to have business like manners and communication is essential part of this aspect. 

Good communication is that which is received and perceived by your audience in such a manner as you thought of communicating. In GD it is vital as group will react to your communication and give back to you your own thoughts which you can develop and give conclusion. This can be a golden opportunity to take lead in GD

That is the prowess of communication so shed slang forthwith.