Many a times in the absence of any particular syllabus for MBA entrance exams and after having seen the trend of past exams, one might perceive that one knows the subject.
Yes, all of us might think like that! But the moment we involve through mock test of any exam, we realize that we are consuming time to solve the questions and timer signals that it is over.
Experts say that take any exam, be it CAT 2016, XAT, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, CMAT or MAT; you will find that time and speed are the ingredients of these exams. That further demands accuracy because there is negative marking also in most of the exams.
In-depth understanding of fundamentals will work and not superficial understating of sections. Time is ripe for getting cleared on doubts and practicing with Mocks is the only option to achieve mission admission MBA 2016-17.

Author: MBA Rendezvous
Yes, all of us might think like that! But the moment we involve through mock test of any exam, we realize that we are consuming time to solve the questions and timer signals that it is over.
Experts say that take any exam, be it CAT 2016, XAT, IIFT, NMAT, SNAP, CMAT or MAT; you will find that time and speed are the ingredients of these exams. That further demands accuracy because there is negative marking also in most of the exams.
In-depth understanding of fundamentals will work and not superficial understating of sections. Time is ripe for getting cleared on doubts and practicing with Mocks is the only option to achieve mission admission MBA 2016-17.
Author: MBA Rendezvous