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The LR area is considered tough by most CAT aspirants as it consists of logical puzzles followed by several questions. As per the analysis of previous year questions, you can make it out that this section of CAT exam usually consists of family trees and analogies, which require a good concentration and flow of thoughts, therefore, Logical Reasoning needs maximum practice with increasing logical abilities. Along with your CAT preparation material, try looking for puzzle books or newspaper leisure sections that contain logic puzzles. 

Puzzle-solving is a knack, and the more you start enjoying logic puzzles, the better you will get at them. That is why a fun way of preparing for this section of CAT exam is by solving puzzles like Sudoku, Crosswords etc. Solve puzzles from puzzle books easily available in the market, and puzzle sites on the Internet, to improve reasoning skills and speed.

The first step to follow when you see the Logical Reasoning question is that read the question carefully and note down all the information you obtain from the question. To have a better understanding, you can draw Venn diagrams on the basis of it or tables or charts. 

In a single set, the questions are very closely linked. So it is very important for you to read and re-read until you understand what you are required to answer from each questions. If you get the logic behind the set, you will be able to solve it.

Go ahead in full burst for mock exercises and achieve mission CAT 2012 

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: Best tips to expand Vocabulary

There are many methods of expanding vocabulary  to be successful at CAT 2012 , but one of the very best is to simply subscribe to a periodical or magazine whose content is slightly too complex for the level of your vocabulary. This will ensure that you come into contact with a steady stream of words that you would not otherwise usually come into contact with. This is a very important for a mature reader.

Another thing that you can do is to join vocab communities online and hunt for online available books and journals with slightly too complex words for your vocabulary. These periodicals and books are what we call ‘source material’ and we will, in this article, show you how to use this source material effectively to enhance and build up your vocabulary to qualify in Verbal Ability.

Now, when you read through the journal, periodical or magazine, or even book, you’ll find that most of it is easy for you to understand as you must have come across them before. But you’ll find that now and again you come across a word that you don’t recall having come across before. That’s the time to back up a little and take a good look at it, because it’s an addition to your increasing vocabulary. 

Read the paragraph again, and the sentence in which you find the word. What does it mean? Try to unlock its meaning on your own, before referring to a dictionary. Perhaps you might get it right – often, like as not, you’ll get it wrong. But that’s not important. 

What’s important is that, in puzzling and thinking over that word, you will thoroughly remember it, and having remembered it, you can, even if you got the meaning wrong the first time, still easily look up the right meaning. The important thing is to remember and retain the new words that you learn, after all.

When you are a mature reader with lots of words in your memory bank, you must be aware of the fact that more that learning a word, it’s important to know how and where to use it!

Expand your vocabulary and be successful at CAT 2012 !

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: Notification is likely to be out on 22nd July 2012

Gear up CAT aspirants!  CAT 2012 notification is likely to be published in top all News Papers on coming Sunday 22nd July, 2012 

The next few months are very crucial time for those who are appearing for CAT 2012. Most of you would have spent the last few months ensuring that you are well-prepared for what is rightfully considered as one of the toughest and most competitive entrance exams in India. However, there are also many needless apprehensions that students sometimes fall victim to, like what if this year, the format changes and create confusion for many of us.

IIMs have always made sure to announce any type of change in the exam pattern well in advance to avoid havoc and confusion. Also, a careful study of the examination reveals that students have no real reason to worry. If you’ve prepared well, you really shouldn’t have any trouble coping with the any sort of pattern change.

Wait and go through notification then bulletin in detail and get on to preparation for achieving mission CAT 2012 

MBA Rendezvous

CAT 2012: Preparation with minimizing mistakes

There are certain mistakes that many students make every time they sit for the final paper. If you keep a track of these mistakes and avoid them, then for sure, you can handle the pressure of pattern change as well.

Divide your section into sets. Read all the questions in each block and assign them an equal amount of time. These time limits should be sacrosanct. There can be nothing worse than missing out on an easy question just because it appears towards the end of the section. Thus, selecting the right questions is extremely important.

Speed matters. Not only when you’re solving questions but when you’re reading them! The faster you can read all the questions and select those you think you should attempt; the better will be your chances of a good score.

For some students, solving a question becomes an ego issue. This is the worst thing you can do to your CAT 2012 paper. If you have spent a considerable amount of time on a problem to no avail - leave it and go ahead. There may be an easier question ahead, just waiting to be capitalized upon.

There will be no time in the CAT 2012 for being indecisive about your answers. Especially if you face a pattern change, the new format should not make this harder for you by taking away some of your confidence.

If you know your basics and you are sure of your solution, pattern or presentation change should be the last thing on your mind to achieve mission CAT 2012 

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CAT 2012: Vocab Tips

Good Vocabulary is one of the prerequisite if you want to score very high in CAT 2012 exam. There are various ways of developing good vocabulary like reading as much as possible, listening to English news bulletin, marking words you don’t understand and then finding its meaning.

This has been the most traditional way of enhancing vocabulary. Today also this technique is unbeatable.

If you really want to enhance your vocabulary or word power, you should start reading English newspapers, magazines, novels or any other material if you wish to. Just remember one thing – Even if you understand the context in which a word is used, you should know the exact meaning of that word as well.

If you come across a word whose exact meaning is not clear, you should try and find out the meaning of that word. Together with the meaning, you should focus on the synonym and antonym of that particular word. 

Vocabulary in general will also help you to be the strongest in communication. Go ahead and work out on words to enrich your vocabulary and achieve mission CAT 2012.